Educational Patnership

Educational Patnership

Educational Patnership

Educational Patnership

Educational Patnership

Educational Patnership

Educational Patnership

Hey you! Would you like to give a child in Uganda the chance of a better future through education?
Then now it is time!

Become a sponsor of one of our 350 school children in Mubende!
A school year at our ALCCU Primary School in Mubende costs €150 per pupil!
There is also the possibility to support a teenager from our Secondary School.
The sponsorship fee for secondary students is €300 per year.
There is also the possibility of a partial sponsorship!
The sponsorship contribution finances the school fees, school uniform and shoes, school utensils, the teacher's salary, basic medical care and a daily hot meal.
The possibility of personal contact by letter (once a year) helps to get to know the sponsored child better and to accompany them on their educational journey.

If you are interested, please feel free to text us. We are always available for answering questions and more detailed information!

You are welcome to share our post and tell others about it!


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