Kizza Margret Marsha

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Uganda / Canada

I got so interested in helping children who are vulnerable and those without parents after losing friends due to HIV, when I became a mother the love I felt as a parent made me think so much about the children without parents and this inspired me to work with NGOs for children as a volunteer and after my voluntarily work there I got a dream to help children and that's why we opened up this NGOs. After opening up I have become so close to the children and I feel it's my duty to fulfill the promise. I call upon everyone out there to come and we work together you may not be here physically but your support is important and it can make a difference. These children need love and care from us.

Jamal Waswa

Country Director

I am a Ugandan musician who is dedicated to supporting orphans, vulnerable children and youth. By advocating for them and looking for help all over the world. Apart from that a percentage of the money I gets from my music goes to the organization programmes such as paying teachers at the school project in Mubende and buying food for the children. I call upon the world to come and help us as you know united we stand and divided we fall.

Larissa Krassnitzer

Chairwoman of ALCCU AUSTRIA

I am from Carinthia/ Austria and currently working as a nursery teacher in a kindergarten. In September 2015 I started my adventure as a volunteer with ALCCU in Uganda for six months. It was the best time of my life!! In 2020 I founded together with Martin the Austrian association ALCCU AUSTRIA. I try to come back to my second home country Uganda as often as possible. I am always enjoying the time with my African family! I love the Ugandan lifestyle, the culture, the food, the music and the hospitable Ugandans. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to volunteer with us! :)

Nadine Puschl


I am from Austria Carinthia, a student at Graz nursing science university. when i went to Uganda for Internship, I voluteered at ALCCU, this is how i got interested in the Organisation and aceppted to help the children, i became close to Ugandan people. I like the way people treat each other despite the status of the country. If your out there and you would like to help or travel to Uganda send me an email I will be happy to organise you a trip with ALCCU, for any question or meeting, you can contact me and we choose aperfect project for you.

Julia Karner

Deputy Chairwoman of ALCCU AUSTRIA

I am a nurse at the NICU in Innsbruck and I had the pleassure to work with ALCCU twice. My first time to come to Uganda was in 2018 when I did my nursing- internship. Marsha – our African Mum organised everything for us and made our stay with her and her family near Kampala a very special one. It made me feel like home and to be part of her family. After this 7 weeks living in a different world – I knew that I have to come back again. So I joined the workcamp of ALCCU in 2019 and got to know a completely new lifestyle of Uganda – the village life! Weeks full of work, laughter, drumming dancing, playing and joy – although we didn’t have tap water or electricity… followed and I just felt that I am at the right place. If you are interested in traveling or making new expierence by volunteering – just text me, I’d be glad to help you with anything you need to have the best time of your life in Uganda.

Martin Seymann

Secretary of ALCCU AUSTRIA

I am from Carinthia in Austria and I am working as a landscape planner. #Additionally I work as a sports coach for children. I was in Uganda when I visited my girlfriend Larissa in 2015. I support ALCCU as the secretary of ALCCU Austria. Uganda was a short but great experience for me. I think I will come back one day.

Alexander Prislan


I am a Software Engineer from Carinthia in Austria. In 2019 I participated in a workcamp in Mubende. We build a new classroom for the Primary School in Kawula. During my stay in Uagnda i got to see the great work ALCCU is doing for the community. The hospitality of the Ugandan people and the awesome landscape made me fall in love with the country.

Tilde Haurum Madsen

ALCCU Coordinator

I was travelling with Alccu Cares during my nursing internship from april-june 2015. I had the best experience during my stay, and I really fell in love with the country. Everything was very well planned, and team Alccu took good care of us. When I went to see Alccu Cares project in Mubende, I just knew that choosing this organisation was such a good desicion. It was amazing to see how my money was used to give children from the village the opportunity to go to school. I saw how Alccu give these children happiness and hope for a better future! We need more people who would like to make a change for the children, and I would be very happy answering any question you might have. Feel free to send me an email, and I will be happy telling you all about the different projects.

Elvis Steven Kabugo

ALCCU Coordinator

Hello, I work as the coordinator for ALCCU programs in Uganda and also work with the partner school Glorious love Junior school Kitende. I love doing my charity duties , volunteering and helping those in need. I also like interacting with different kinds of people because Im a friendly and socially confident person. Thanks for choosing ALCCU !

Ismail Ssenyange

ALCCU Volunteer care taker

Hello! My name is Ismail Ssenyange I am a traditional music teacher. I work with ALCCU as the volunteer care taker during their stays in Uganda and I like teaching children music and training them cultural music, dance and drama. In addition I also enjoy sharing African culture with the different volunteers from all over the world! Thanks to ALCCU for choosing me and am so happy to work.

Grace Nabaggala

Headteacher Glorious Love Junior School

My name is Grace Nabaggala from uganda, I am the Headteacher of Glorious love junior school in Kitende . l am responsible for monitoring all that goes on in school and set up effective systems to ensure the smooth running of the school. I also monitor the needs of the staff and progress of the pupils giving encouragement where necessary.

I love children, taking care and supporting them , teaching them curricular activities .

Glorious love support ALCCU children in Academics and curricular activities Thank you for choosing ALCCU. your service and work brought a smile to your face and made your life just a little easier.